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HOME 원자력교육센터(영문)>Programs>KAERI-ACE>Self-development Education

Self-development Education

Support program of self-study for the personal competency development beyond working hours

자기계발 : 과정명, 기간, 회수, 인원, 일정, 교육대상을 보여드립니다.
No. Courses (Click on Process Name to view details.) Duration(Time) Times Capa. Target Date
1 Life design course for retiring employees 6 months 1 50 target May~ October
2 퇴직예정 비정규직 취업준비교육 4 hour 2 - target June, December
3 KAERI 힐링교육 2 hour 5 20 applicant May, June
4 저성과자 재교육 프로그램 3 months At any time target target Annual
5 Cyber language education cpourse (English, Japanese, Chinese) 1 months 10 200 applicant annual
6 English course on telephone 2 months 5 200 applicant annual
7 English writing and conversation with native speakers 2 months 9 350 applicant annual