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10 KAERI enters into new radiation market with microorganism

KAERI enters into new radiation market with microorganism
– KAERI and Dong-a Socio Holdings sign MOU on bio-industry technology development –
– Development of fundamental materials  which can enter into global biotechnology market expected –

Amid the Korean government’s finalization of the “strategy for creating future radiation bio-industries” in November 2019 to use radiation technology as innovative growth engine, KAERI is making its full-fledged efforts to develop bio-industry technologies using radiation technologies by working together with companies.

KAERI and Dong-a Socio Holdings signed MOU on the development of industrial biomaterials and their applications of radiation-resistant microorganism at the headquarters of Dong-a Socio Holdings on January 15, 2020.

Areas of cooperation included in the MOU are joint research on radiation-resistant microorganism, joint development of functional biomaterials from radiation-resistant microorganism, exchange of technology and information and sharing research equipment and facilities.

Based on the MOU, both organizations plan to create a new radiation market in the area of biotechnology by developing innovative fundamental materials, which can function as radioprotectants. Research outcomes, which KAERI has accumulated in radiation-resistant microorganism for long time and Dong-a Socio Holding’s commercialization knowledge are expected to produce synergy effect.

KAERI has its unmatched technological prowess in conducting fundamental studies on radiation resistance and developing useful materials and genetic resources of radiation-resistant microorganism, which has been stored at KAERI owned RAD-BioBANK. Dong-a Socio Holdings, which has consistently invested in the prevention of diseases which pose a great burden on society such as cancer and dementia and in the therapy development has a high expectation that this technical cooperation will provide an opportunity to rapidly achieve the objectives of developing its neo medical materials.

Dr. Won Seok Park, President of KAERI, said that “KAERI has a plan for Advanced Radiation Technology Institute to become a global mecca for radiation industry as radiation technology is widely utilized in our lives and various industries.” He also said that he will do his best to ensure that Korea can enter into the global market in fundamental biomaterials through partnership forged with Dong-a Socio Holdings.”


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