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10 KAERI and ETRI Showcase Advanced R&D to International Ambassadors

KAERI and ETRI Showcase Advanced R&D to International Ambassadors


The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) co-hosted the Global R&D Friends' Day on November 26, welcoming international ambassadors in South Korea for an immersive tour of their cutting-edge research facilities. The event aligned with South Korea’s ambitions to join Horizon Europe, the world’s largest multilateral research and innovation program, and aims to cultivate meaningful global partnerships.

At KAERI, the delegation received an insightful briefing on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs), followed by a visit to HANARO, Korea’s only high-flux research reactor and a critical hub for nuclear innovation.

The program continued at ETRI, where participants experienced AI-driven cultural heritage technologies, explored next-generation digital broadcasting standards (ATSC 3.0), and enjoyed a ride on the AutoVe, a demonstration of advanced autonomous driving technology.

Dr. Joo Han-Gyu, President of KAERI, emphasized the institute’s decades-long contribution to Korea’s economic and technological progress through nuclear advancements. He reaffirmed KAERI’s dedication to addressing global challenges such as climate change and energy transition with innovative solutions.

Diplomatic representatives from the following countries attended the event: Belgium, El Salvador, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Uzbekistan, and the EU Delegation. Among the distinguished ambassadors present were:

H.E. Jyri Jarviaho, Ambassador of Finland

H.E. Maria Castillo Fernandez, Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Korea

H.E. Karl-Olof Ingvar Andersson, Ambassador of Sweden

H.E. Jaime Jose Lopez Badia, Ambassador of El Salvador. 


#KAERI #ETRI #R&D #International Ambassadors

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