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10 IAEA DDG-NA visits to KAERI for Strengthening Collaborations on Nuclear Applications

Ms. Najat Mokhtar, a Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications visited Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) from November 8 to 9, 2023 to strengthening its cooperation on nuclear science and applications areas. On September, during IAEA GC period, KAERI-IAEA signed Project Arrangement to make concrete and sustainable cooperation framework on ZODIAC and NUTEC Plastic projects, which are IAEA's priority activities. 

President Joo welcomed the IAEA delegation and expressing his appreciation for IAEA's dedication for enhancing human health, environment and agriculture using nuclear technology. Ms. Mokhtar also highlighted KAERI's contribution and expressed her will to strengthen tie in diverse nuclear applications. Both sides agreed on the crucial role of the international cooperation in the nuclear energy, emphasizing its significance in addressing global challenges such as disease control and the climate changes. KAERI's contributions to the agency have not only played a vital role in promoting nuclear energy but have also aligned with global sustainable goals. 

The IAEA delegation will take a technical tour on multiple research facilities in both Daejeon and Jeongeup campuses including HANARO research reactor, the High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor, during their stays in Korea. 


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